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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Told You We'd Get There

That would be back to 80F. I had an email about a week or two ago asking if we were done with warm days, and without even needing to look at long range weather maps, I felt pretty confident that another warm stretch would return. It's not bragging, just the law of averages. This is a point I make often, and it almost never seems to fail. We hit 80F yesterday, and there was a lot of warm weather to be had- despite the stubborn clouds. It looks like 80F is possible again today and Wednesday, before another dramatic change and drop by the weekend. It's like the stock market, but less people get hurt.

Here is the image I showed on the TV this morning. It is just listed as Fall in Maine, but the bridge makes the shot. This would be great in any season, and once again make Bob Ross proud.
Keep sending these in either through the Weatherbug, or directly to me, so I can share them.

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