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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bone Dry=Quick Warm Up.

I've been searching the Internet for the reason for the expression Bone Dry, and can't seem to find one. Essentially the meaning is: Void of moisture- which in an of itself does not apply to our weather. As of this morning, our dew point was 25F- so we would develop fog to prove the moisture if the temperature dropped that low. We got close with this Frost and Freeze Warning that was in effect... But with sunshine and light winds, a quick warm up will occur. The normal range of temperatures in April (Today's Normal Low 42F- high 65F) is 23 degrees. When it is Bone Dry- temperatures can range from 30 to 40 degrees from morning to afternoon. It is common in desert areas. Water vapor can slow down the solar heating, so when there is less the temperature can jump more. That is why I am aiming for the upper 60s today despite the 30s in many areas this morning. I am still on target for nearly 80F by Friday. In fact, these types of warm ups typically show up with noon temperatures the same as the high for the day before. That means at noon today, we should see at least 60F at BWI to prove my case.
The only drawback to tomorrow's heat would be a south easterly wind that could keep bay areas in the 60s. Since BWI airport is only 5-10 miles from the Bay- it might impact the official temperature. But I am holding true to 80F on Friday! Last year, our first 80F day was April 2nd. Then again- it was followed by a trace of snow on April 6th...

Earth Day Early: It's ironic that I mention bone dry then shift to the water, but I will be at the National Aquarium for our noon news. There is a week leading up to Earth Day, and there is more to it than just the debate on warming and energy. The exact percentage of water (on Earth) is 71.11%. Oceans account for 97% of that, but below you will see the full breakdown. So in the next week, I will spend some time focusing on marine life on earth with the help of the National Aquarium. Hopefully you will join me.

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